
Hey guys, welcome to my blog! This is where you will see my most recent work as well as what's going on in my life, crazy path down Mommy-hood, and what's going through my mind and in my heart. My goal is to share something REAL... true life whether it be through my pictures or just sharing with you my day to day thoughts (which by the way goes a million miles a minute and is always coming up with crazy, new, fun ideas). So kick back, take you time, grab some snacks (Swedish fish is my favorite), stay a while and feel free to come in and leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by!

Sneak Peek...

I have introduce you all to my FABULOUS daughter (yea I know totally biased here) but I haven't posted any of my handsome son Carlos Manuel known as Baby Carlos (BC) yet. Don't worry I'm totally working on it. It's not an easy task anymore because all he wants to do when we get outside is RUN and I'm trying to avoid tons of booty shots... ;-)

I have a plan though... :-) Mama will WIN!!!!! This weekend I'll be testing it out... so stay tuned... more pictures to come of my little man!

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