
Hey guys, welcome to my blog! This is where you will see my most recent work as well as what's going on in my life, crazy path down Mommy-hood, and what's going through my mind and in my heart. My goal is to share something REAL... true life whether it be through my pictures or just sharing with you my day to day thoughts (which by the way goes a million miles a minute and is always coming up with crazy, new, fun ideas). So kick back, take you time, grab some snacks (Swedish fish is my favorite), stay a while and feel free to come in and leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by!

Because I figured it out...

I can not begin to explain to you my frustrations with the pictures on this blog. I've been trying to figure out how to get the pictures to view "bigger" because if your anything like me you want to actually be able to see the images and not "squint" your eyes to try and focus on this small little picture. I asked my friend Lana from Lana Hamilton Photography how she did it and she suggested looking it up different ways in the search engine.

Every site I found kept giving me ways on how to change but it would distort the image and would make it look sooooooo crappy. BUT... good news... I FINALLY figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should totally see me doing the "happy dance" right now... I feel like I need to be treated or something... LOL!!!!

Anyway... since I figured it out... here are more pictures of BC's mini session. :) Enjoy the nice clear image!!!! ;-)

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